Become a member now for $7.00/month!

Do you want to teach reading and spelling according to the latest scientific research, but don't have the $$ for an expensive curriculum?

Parent, maybe your reader:

  • Has memorized sight words, but just cannot figure out new words.
  • Cannot spell at all, and you aren't sure how to help that.
  • Can read, but it's choppy, and words are skipped!
  • Feels embarrassed about reading and writing..
  • Hates reading, and you just aren't sure how to tackle that.

Or perhaps as a teacher YOU..

  • Know that you need to do a better job with intentional reading and spelling instruction, but it's difficult to integrate with so little time.
  • Want to implement the "science" of reading in your classroom, but you're stuck with a poor curriculum.
  • Have realized that random lists of words to memorize for reading and spelling just isn't going to "stick" in your students memory bank..
  • NEED to see results in your students, but you're overwhelmed with just getting through your day.

You don't have to blindly force your kids to memorize random lists of words! You need an awesome PLAN to maximize your scholar's reading and spelling skills.

This collection of digital & printable activities offered in membership is exactly what you need to help teach reading & spelling skills by utilizing phonetic and morphological concepts.

Get INSTANT Access to all these activities and become a member NOW!

Here's what you'll get:

  • Over 600 (combined) Digital & Printable Instruction Activities by focusing on phonics, grammatical suffixes, and morphology.
  • New Activities Every Month to teach reading! (These activities are for members only, and will be new -not found in our shop).
  • The confidence you need that you are laying a foundation of spelling and reading based on the scientific concepts of decoding and encoding while you introduce concepts strategically.
  • The true mark of an excellent spelling & reading teacher - you become a better instructor for ALL your students, because you have tools at your fingertips!

What if you made a huge difference in the lives of your struggling spellers & readers?

You could:

1) Finally see the "light" go on in your children for reading and spelling.

2) Feel confident that you can move your class forward, or as a parent, your child at home. (Upper grade teachers will thank you!)

3) See a smaller number students struggle with spelling and reading!

4) Watch your kids BLOOM as they feel more confident.

Membership includes an ENORMOUS science of spelling bundle. Here's how it can help you and your student(s)..

Digital and Printable Spelling Activities to Complement Your Phonics Instruction..

As you teach letters and sounds with a phonics curriculum from CVC words to more complex vowel teams, reinforce encoding (spelling).. (Guidelines or "rules" included)

  • Helps the student match sound to print to spelling..
  • Digital games are sound-enabled for easy self-directed instruction
  • Printables included for hand to paper practice..
  • Can be used with a touch-pad or mouse for sensory integration

Digital and Printable Activities for Simple Grammatical Suffixes

Specific spelling attention for the way suffixes can alter a word (including irregular words)

  • Plural words
  • Conjugatory suffixes (like -ed, -ing, etc.)
  • Suffixes for comparatives & superlatives (-er, -est)

Digital and Printable Activities for Morphological Components (Latin, Greek, etc.)

A great learning tool for ANY age! Break words down into their smallest units of meaning (morphemes) to build more advanced words..

  • Prefixes (like mis-, pre-, tele-, or sub-)
  • Roots and Base Words (like geo, photo, rupt, etc.)
  • Suffixes (like -ment, -ness, -ly, or -ful)

Perfect for students at any level..

There are so many activities to use in the membership!!

  • Use throughout your student's learning years..
  • Rules posters for display
  • Word lists for all
  • More to come...

Join us in the membership now, so you can jump in and get started wherever your students need to on their reading and spelling journey.

  • Finally start teaching with a plan to develop reading and spelling skills that will STICK, and deepen your student's academic experience.
  • Get EXCITED about the results you will see in your students rather than watch those one or two kids falter.
  • LOOK FORWARD to parent teacher meetings - because the results will speak for themselves.

What are you waiting for,
Amazing Teacher or Parent?!
The membership is waiting for you to dive in
and get going!

And, your kids are going to be excited to finally feel successful in reading and spelling!

Wahoo! Everyone loves a fun BONUS!

It gets even better! When you sign up, you'll also get this AMAZING bonus in the membership..


  • Teach high frequency "sight words" in a way that honors the tenets of the science of reading. This activity encourages the flip side of decoding words - encoding words!
  • Self-directed for students with instant feedback

  • Great for centers or at-desk work in school
  • Perfect for learning at home
  • These are fun and keep students engaged!

Today's price: $7.00/month

Get INSTANT Access to the Membership & Spelling Bundle now!

Hi, I'm Amy, and my goal is to help teachers and parents by developing tools that WORK for beginning reader and spellers.

When my daughter was in her preschool and early elementary school years, she really struggled to "take off" in reading and spelling. 

I remember clearly the thick stack of laminated "keys" attached to a key ring that were added to each week for memorization. This growing key ring of "sight words" filled her with so much stress

If her teacher and I had simply taught her the letter-sound patterns in each of these words, she would have been better equipped for reading
in the rest of her elementary years.
Spelling would have been a breeze!

Registering letter-sound correspondence in the brain (orthographic mapping) is essential for reading and spelling. Having this skill makes all the difference.

Random lists of spelling words with no plan did not work for her, and only made her feel frustrated. When I finally had a plan, her reading and spelling soared. (And it worked for my youngest son too).

(P.S. - My daughter is now a straight A student in her Sophomore year of college. We've come a long way - and you will too!)

It won't be long from now when you will look back, knowing that you taught your student these early reading & spelling skills, & you will be super PROUD, too!


Do I actually get all of the printables and digital games as soon as I sign up?

Yes! Everything is right at your fingertips with your first monthly payment. Please note, your subscription is "locked in" for the first three months to help me offset costs I incur when the Boom games are redeemed. I am confident you will want to stay in our membership, and so excited for you to join us!

How will I play the digital activities in the bundle?

The digital activities in the bundle are all hosted on the Boom™ learning website. You'll need to redeem the digital portions of your purchase there. You'll get further instructions in your purchase, but you will need to create a free account at (and have internet access) to play.

Is this a one-time purchase or a subscription?

This is a subscription. The entire Spelling Bundle is part of our membership, which you'll be subscribed to, in addition to all the monthly "goodies" you get! You will also need a subscription on the Boom™ learning website to redeem and use the digital activities in the bundle, but you can use their FREE subscription unless you want to "track grades" for more than five students.

Are these in US Dollars?

Yes, these are in $7.00 US Dollars each month.

Is there a right way to teach spelling?

Yes. For beginning readers, encoding skills (spelling) should reflect your phonics curriculum. Beyond that, spelling can grow through learning syllabication, morphology, and etymology. You should teach and choose words intentionally!

Is this just for classroom teachers? Or can I use it with my child at home?

Absolutely use this at home with your child! When you sign up for your Boom subscription, be sure to add yourself as the "teacher". (Yes, you are the teacher in this scenario!)

What all comes with the subscription?

These resources come in digital format. (Nothing is shipped to you.) You will receive a link to all the files that you can print and use, including the bonus. Digital games can be redeemed upon entry into the membership as well.

How will I get the product after I purchase?

After you purchase, you'll be able to log in to our membership area at the My Three Readers shop. (A link to this area will also be included in a .pdf sent to you. Please check your payment-connected e-mail, as well as "junk" folders or your "promotion" tab in gmail if you need that .pdf). Click on the link inside, and you'll have access to all the bundle activities at any time!

Come join us now!

One more time, here's EVERYTHING you get when you join! Each component is worth way more than I'm even discounting for you today,
but I want to get this out there, and for kids to be using it. There are OVER 600 components in the spelling bundle alone!

  • 44+ Digital Spelling Activities for Phonics- $150+ value
  • 220+ Printable Spelling Activities for Phonics- $100+ value
  • 28+ Digital Spelling Activites for Grammatical Suffixes - $75 value
  • 36+ Printable Spelling Activities for Grammatical Suffixes - $47 value
  • 118+ Digital Spelling Activities for Morphology- $175 value
  • 180+ Printable Spelling Activities for Morphology- $75 value
  • Spelling Word Lists, Rules Posters, Blank Test Template - $32 value
  • Membership Benefits- 6 new reading activities that honor the science of reading each month - $18/month value
  • Bonus "Spelling the Sight Words" digital activity - $26 value
  • 50% off any additional product in the shop - ongoing value
  • Facebook group - be a part of community and join us in future reading challenges and more science of reading information!
  • Frequent "bonus" activities - $$ in the shop, but free for you!

Total value: $600+
Monthly Membership Price: $7.00

Get INSTANT Access to allll the activities now, and become a part of our AMAZING monthly membership!